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| Art Director

Kid Pilot is an exciting VR flight adventure game developed by Flamingo Simulation Systems. As the Art Director, I provided leadership to a team of talented artists, including 3D Modelers, Texture Artists, and Animators.

My responsibilities included developing design bibles, creating hero assets, overseeing the pipeline of UE5 asset implementation, and producing key & concept art.


I also worked closely with project management to ensure timelines, resources, and artistic goals were aligned for the best possible outcome.

A showcase of the environments I worked on alongside the talented art team: 

Daniela Miranda Velazquez

VFX & Texture Artist

Argel Romero

3D Generalist

Jorge "Korgi" Romano

UE Technical Artist & Animator

Fernando Mejia

UE Technical Artist

Toño Trejo Reyes

UE Lead Developer


© 2024 All works by Diego Garcia Figueroa

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